With no formal screening program for skin cancers in Australia, it is recommended that people become familiar with their skin. Regular skin surveillance is key in the detection and treatment outcomes with those diagnosed with skin cancer every year. While self-examination at regular intervals is encouraged, this doesn’t replace a thorough skin consultation with your doctor, where a detailed examination will be performed, recording any change in shape, colour or size of a lesion, or the development of a new lesion.
If you have previously put off a skin check, booking a consultation with your doctor in the cooler months is a great idea. We are all conscious of the sun-smart message during Summer, however it can be furthest from our mind during Winter. Skin cancers can develop at any time so sun protection measures and preventative checks should not be neglected during the cooler months. During the Winter months, we are often heavily clothed and as a result, less likely to notice a suspicious lesions.
Additionally, from a clinician’s perspective, dermoscopy viewing (a distinct magnifying light, which allows a doctor to closely examine spots on the skin) is better performed on skin that hasn’t recently been subject to sunburn. Sun exposure can cause a mole to transform slightly which can make a normal mole appear suspect.
Protection is key – slip, slop, slap, seek and slide all year round!
Don’t wait till Summer – get your skin check for your peace of mind today!