Category Archives: Uncategorised

Opening Soon!

5th September, 2016

We are very excited to announce the opening of Bartchall Medical at Mango Hill Market Place on Tuesday, 4th October 2016. Our professional team is ready to make your visit a comfortable and relaxing one. With our philosophy in mind, we strive to deliver to our patients excellence in general practice medicine as well as […]

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Get your skin check before Summer starts!

Don't wait till Summer - get your skin check for your peace of mind today!
14th June, 2016
With no formal screening program for skin cancers in Australia, it is recommended that people become familiar with their skin. Regular skin surveillance is key in the detection and treatment outcomes with those diagnosed with skin cancer every year. While self-examination at regular intervals is encouraged, this doesn't replace a thorough skin consultation with your doctor, where [...]

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